Principle 7 in Lean Management : Use visual controls
(English) Use visual control so no problems are hidden
(English) Use visual control so no problems are hidden
(English) Standardised tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.
Stop it ! Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality high the first time. Jidoka is the term for stopping the process to build quality.
Level out the workload The traditional build-to-order model of production is to make just what the customer want when they want it. Actually, it’s a strict system which creates piles of inventory, hidden problems, and poor quality.
A lot of individuals or companies have often the same problem : inventory. How to avoid it?
Create continuous process Flow to bring problems to the surface.
That seems logical but it’s not often the cas. Like everything in life, the first thing is to have a Long Term Philosophy.
(English) In his book, Jeffrey K. Liker describes the technique of The Toyota Way. Here are the principles in a glance.
(English) You will see the different kinds of waste existing in compagnies. And curiously, it’s also very close to what we can find at home.
(English) This series of articles will explain what is Lean Management and why it’s very close to Minimalism.